Why choose Recruitment Agencies -Karnataka

Have a robust Migration Facilitation Architecture (MFA) in place in all 30 districts of Karnataka to guide intending migrants on all aspects of employment and travel.

  • Assure overseas employment only with registered Foreign Employers (FE) on the e-Migrate platform
  • Charge service fee as per Government norms for recruitment done
  • Migrant’s profile is included in the database for regular follow-up and well-being throughout her/his migration life cycle, till s/he returns back to India
  • Provide enhanced protection, welfare and handholding throughout the migration life cycle
  • Ensure timely rescue and repatriation in case of any trouble or distress overseas with the help of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) & concerned Indian Mission/Post abroad
  • Warrant eligibility through only State Government–run RAs to recruit female domestic workers
  • Provide counselling and advice on various skilling opportunities through the Migration Facilitation Architecture (MFA) to suit demands of overseas employers
  • Focus extensively on country and occupation-specific Pre-departure Orientation (PDO) including language and soft skills
  • Dedicated Pre-departure Orientation (PDO) & Training centre in Bengaluru; similar centres shall be established at the Divisional level in the State