Migrant Regional Centres (MRCs)

Migrant Regional Centres (MRCs) are located at the divisional level in all the 4 revenue divisions of Karnataka. The MRCs are housed in the sub-offices of the Department of Employment & Training (DET), specifically in the DET’s YES Centres. The MRCs at the divisional level perform the functions of the MICs as well. It is at the MRCs that the profiles of the prospective emigrants are matched with the requirements of the Foreign Employers (FEs) for various job roles/occupations. The MRCs -
  • Update the Management Information System (MIS) on the IMC-K Portal on a daily basis to generate a database of skilled migrants willing to take up overseas employment
  • Coordinate with the RAs-K, understand the requirements of the Foreign Employers (FEs) and match the demand with the existing database of potential emigrants registered with the mics, thereby paving way to recruitment by the RAs-K
  • Provide necessary country and occupation specific Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) to the potential emigrants recruited by both the RAs-K of Government of Karnataka, apart from language specific requirements as appropriate
  • Counsel & assist with documentation work, including verification of qualifications & other mandatory procedures prior to the departure
  • Pay special attention to recruitment of women migrants workers including domestic workers and nurses by the RAs-K
  • Monitor the functioning of the MICs and build effective linkages with the MSC at the state level